Friday, May 27, 2011

Khaled Meets Thomas

Dear Journal,
It is a blessed day. I found the journal of a man named Thomas Lewes. He was from France and he experienced a revolution just like I did. It was exciting to read about, a man going through something that I just went through. In the French Revolution they were trying to get rid of a monarch that had ruled them for over a hundred years. We were just getting rid of some one who had ruled us only 23 years. It took us 23 years to revolt because the President Ben Ali used police to silence us. The French had never complained about their monarch because it had always manipulated them to think that they were less than their King and should never resist. This went on until the enlightenment thinker's wrote their books and they inspired a whole way of thinking. Montesquieu wrote about separation of powers and Rousseau wrote about social contract. In France they did not have Separation of Powers because their King Louis ruled all of France. Also in my country it seemed like we had it because we had a president and ministers however in truth we were just like France. Our ruler, Ben Ali, had ultimate power. As for social contract it never mattered to the king of France or Ben Ali what the majority of the people in their countries wanted, these leaders just did what they felt like doing. To make matters worse during this enlightenment era the French were experiencing unemployment and hunger just like we were in the Tunisian Revolution, yet their king was ignoring them. So all these devastations put together caused the people to call to get fed up with their rulers and revolt. In France men and women protested in crowds, attacked the prison Bastille and even the king’s castle. Also in my country both women and men protested in crowds and recently I heard that some prisons. In France they created the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which was basically declaring they free from the rule of King Louis XVI. They even made the king sign this decree. In my revolution we did not create a constitution however through our protests we did make the Ben Ali promise that he would not run again and he would give us our freedoms. However after promising this to us Ben Ali escaped to Saudi Arabia similarly to how King Louis tried to escape to Varrenes but was caught. Anyways in the end the French Revolution the king, his wife and followers were beheaded for neglecting their people. So I think Ben Ali, his family and his ministers should be quite thankful that they are only spending the rest of his life in jail.

Learn More About These Revolutions

French Revolution Links*.html

Tunisia's Revolution links

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ben Ali Under Law

Hello Again,
Right after the activists’ arrests, on Jan13, the Paris based International Federation of Human Rights announces that there have been 63 deaths since the protests started announced. It was a grave day for everyone. Fire was burning in everyone’s eyes, we wanted the blood of the one who had caused these deaths. Ben Ali sensed that his life was in danger and he tried to reconcile with us by announcing on a national broadcast that he would not run in 2014 and also promising us our freedoms. We did not want to reconcile all we thought about was our dead relatives who had died because of him. We wanted him out. The next day January 14 the televisions announced that Ben Ali escaped to Saudi Arabia where he would be protected from us his very own people. Such a traitor he was!! In power he had left the Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi.On the 15th it was announced that Prime Minister gave up his power to speaker Fouad Mebazaa however it was more like the leaders were sharing power and we didn’t trust them. They proposed a new coalition government but we would have been fools to listen to men who still belonged to the RCD(Ben Ali’s ruling party). On Jan 21-23 we took a break from protesting had a national mourning days to commemorate those whose lives had ended in the Jasmine Revolution. In the crowds of people sniffled, they screamed, and I felt my very own warm tears slide down my cheeks. On the day the protests ended the police force finally decided to break away from Ben Ali's government and they joined us. At first we were a little hesitant of them but then we saw that since now we had the police we were even more powerful. We continued to gain support and this time because the police were on our side it there was less violence and our protests were more like civil disobedience. Eventually on march 9 the court of Tunis abolished the RCD. Then on April 14, the happiest day of our lives because Ben Ali, his family and his ministers were charged of crimes against humanity. We finally got justice.

Off With Their Heads

Hello Journal
I apologize for not writing in for the past 3 years but just be glad that I have survived the Reign of Terror with my head still in place. Since the last time I wrote the King moved to Paris with us. A couple of months later in 1791 the king and his family attempted to escape to Varennes. He acted like such a traitor leaving us. When we brought him back we confined him in the Tuieries Castle with his family for 3 years. Meanwhile we the revolutionaries in the assembly gained control of France. The leader of the assembly my dear friend Robespierre convinced us that we had,” To kill the king so that the revolution could live". On February 21, 1793 the most joyous day of our revolution, at 10:22AM Louis XVI was beheaded under the guillotine. "I pray that my death is for the happiness of my people" he said trying to gain pity from us but only who were close could hear him because the drums were too loud. With his death we became the French Republic. However, even with the king dead turmoil continued. From 1793-94 one of my hero and mentor Robespierre became the dictator of France and also my enemy. Before he had been such an exquisite man who believed in humanity but during his short dictatorial rule he killed 40,000 people. He had secret police around France listening to people and if someone was suspected of still being loyal to the old regime of King Louis they were killed. I was both disgusted and afraid of him. I could no longer go to him and speak my mind fully because I thought for sure he would have my head the next day. However we did not suffer long under his tyranny, eventually the deputies charged him of his crimes and he was executed. The reign of terror died with Robespierre but the New Republic and our declaration lives now and forever more.
Thomas Lewes

Monday, May 23, 2011

Declaration of Man and of the Citizen

Hello again,
Uproar has continued on in France. We have created a new flag that has the colors red, white and blue. The king is getting weaker as the days pass by. In preparation for the fall of the king on August 26, 1789 the Declaration of Man and of the Citizens was created. This document is a magnificent piece of work that provides the long suppressed people of France with justice. I was right there when the deputies were creating it. I was asked to contribute because they knew of my vast knowledge in philosophy so I told them the ideas of the great Montesquieu and Rousseau. We needed separation of power so no one in government could ever have too much power. We also needed to use the social contract or majority rule. Lastly I told them more than anything this declaration should support all people’s right. Like the Declaration of Rights in the United States. After the declaration was written a couple of days later Jean Paul-Marat the author of “The Friend of the People” printed an article saying that the king had a party where he threw our flag on the ground and stomped on it. On the 5th of October the news reached a crowd of women near city hall who were protesting the shortage of bread. The women became so outraged with the king’s offensive behavior that they burst in to Versailles with pikes and guns calling for the queen’s blood. In the end they were not able to hurt the queen because she hid in her husband’s chamber. However the women did force the king to sign the Declaration of Man and of the Citizens. Also they made him move to Paris so he could be close to his people and they could keep a close eye on him. I remember looking out of by room the day King Louis arrived in Paris. His carriage was crowded by chanting women holding pikes with the heads of guards on top.

Activists Arrested

Since my last journal entry our protesting has grown even stronger. It has only been 12 days since Bouazizi burned himself. We are so strong that we got on Nessa TV on December 29. I saw myself when I went for a smoke in the the coffee shop. I was on T.V.! I looked so fierce, because for the first time I was speaking my mind. The faces of those around me matched my own. We were rapping to the inspiring songs of Hamada Ben Aoun. We sang with such solidarity it moved me to tears. I saw a man kissing the flag, another waving a piece of bread, and another man holding up his son who help a sign calling for the termination of Ben Ali’s ruling party. I could not help but smile at this beautiful a sight.However not everyone was pleased with it, a couple of days after we got on TV on January 7th bloggers, journalists, activists, and Ben Aoun were arrested. This caused such an outrage that Ben Ali ended up releasing them.

Death of Bouazazi

Salaam again,
 I back to describe how this all began.Muhammad Bouzazai, that is the name that rang out in the streets from sun rise to sunset. In my previous writing I lighly tampered upon the inspiring story about Bouzazi but now I will go even further what happened. So on December 17,2010  the  young  26 year old man was trying to fend for his family of eight  by selling fruits and vegetables. He was caught and abused by the police for doing his work unlicensed though he tried to pay for his crimes. They shamed and made him feel worthless so he burned himself. His action opened everyone eyes including my own on how neglecting and unloving our government is towards us, its people. Right then in my city, Sidi Bouzid, where Bouzazi was killed we began to protest. I was right in the middle of the loud vigorous crowds of people. We urged each other to make the protests even bigger. We called, we texted, we emailed, our families all over Tunisia. By September 27,2010 the protest had reached Tunis our capital, and there 1000 people had joined our cause. Protests were spreading like wildfire and  Ben Ali began to feel scared. He tried to fool us into going back to loving and respecting him by visiting Bouzazi in his hospital bed on 28 th . But, we would not fall for his old tricks anymore, our patience had run out that day even more people protested.Frustrated by our reaction toward his fake courtesy on the very same day Ben Ali ended up making a national broadcast calling us unacceptable people who should be punished. This angered everyone and it sealed our minds to continue fighting for change.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

From the Beginning- French Revolution

Hello Again,
          It all started when John Necker, Prime Minister Finance was hired by the King. He believed everyone should be treated equal. He then called for the National Assembly to meet for the first time in 175 years. All of the deputies from the third estate went to present us that they were locked out. They decided to have their own separate meeting on the Tennis Courts. During the midst of all of this, I was with the deputies on the Tennis Court. We made a Tennis Court Oath and signed a document that we would not abide by the King but by ourselves and by our Representatives. After the King learned about our meeting, he felt threatened and decided to put guards around Versailles, his castle. The people felt mad and attacked the Bastille prison to get gun powder and weapons. This was the first time we'd ever fought he King and won. In order to remember this accomplishment and inspire people to fight against the King, we tore down the prison brick by brick and sold the stones as souvenirs. When people see these stones they will feel more inspired to fight against the King. We'll continue protesting and pursuit of our rights.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Meet Khaled

I am Khaled Rajhid. I am 19 years old and I  live in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. I  have attended high school but unfortunately my education cannot go any further because my father was recently killed by the police. Now I have to quit studying and find a job to support my extended family of eleven. Finding a job is impossible in this corrupt economy my family has gone many nights without food in their stomachs. President Ben Ali is not helping us and his ignorance and neglect has sparked angry fires inside of us. It was not too long ago right here in Sidi Bouzid a man, Muhammad Bouazizi, actually set himself on fire. He was caught running an unlicensed vendor and when he tried to pay for his crime he was unlawfully abused. None of the local municipality officials would listen when he tried to report the injustice. This goes for everyone in Tunisia, including me. When my father died I did not even bother to report the incident because I knew nothing would be done. But, after this man burned himself, something inside of me changed. I realized that if I continued with the silence more on more people would die unlawfully. I joined the protests for this man and I also texted all family and  friends to join too. That night my family did not eat because I did not work yet, no one complained because nothing was more famishing than speaking out to my government. My goal is to inspire more  people to continue fighting against Ben Ali. We have to stop being afraid and  break the silence. We need to scream to the world and spread the word with all the resources that we have.
Khaled Rajhid 

Meet Thomas

Good tidings, 
My name is Thomas Lewes. I am 25 years old and I live in Paris, France. I am part the 97% population in the 3rd Estate. I just finished my studies at prestigious college on a scholarship. I was studying Modern Philosophy. I am very much inspired by the ideas of Voltaire and Montesquieu. I want to spread them to my people. My people are currently being suppressed by our superfluous king, his wife"Madam Deficit", and the Catholic Church. In this harsh economy jobs are scarce and we are all experiencing poverty. I just cannot stand the fact that when the royals and clergy dine on loaves and loaves of freshly baked bread in Versailles we; the peasants,cannot afford to buy a meager slice of stale bread  because of the high taxes. Our stomachs are constantly growling and not even the point of a mussel can silence them. Hunger has brought the worst out of everyone. In towns people are dying, robbing and killing each other for food and our governemnt remains oblivious to all this. We deserve a better government that cares, protects and presents us. I believe this and through my writing and speeches I want to inspire my country folk to believe this too.
Thomas Lewes