Monday, May 23, 2011

Activists Arrested

Since my last journal entry our protesting has grown even stronger. It has only been 12 days since Bouazizi burned himself. We are so strong that we got on Nessa TV on December 29. I saw myself when I went for a smoke in the the coffee shop. I was on T.V.! I looked so fierce, because for the first time I was speaking my mind. The faces of those around me matched my own. We were rapping to the inspiring songs of Hamada Ben Aoun. We sang with such solidarity it moved me to tears. I saw a man kissing the flag, another waving a piece of bread, and another man holding up his son who help a sign calling for the termination of Ben Ali’s ruling party. I could not help but smile at this beautiful a sight.However not everyone was pleased with it, a couple of days after we got on TV on January 7th bloggers, journalists, activists, and Ben Aoun were arrested. This caused such an outrage that Ben Ali ended up releasing them.


  1. I understand completely! We also had a long protest but because our leader wouldn't step out of power. We wanted everything to change for the better, but it took at least 18 days, and still Mubarak has someone in power that follows his rule.
    -Tania Dib

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  3. This connects to both of mine. In the Russian Revolution there was many protest for the Tsar to step out of power but he wouldn't until we finally ran them out. And in the Egyptian Revolution Honsi Mubarak still refuses to step out of power and wil not give up. -Danny Ron

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  5. This connects to mine because we did the Tunisian Revolution also, but its interesting to see the different approach you took to the creation of your blogs, very unique. Who is this Ben Ali person though?
    -Luisa Michelle Martinez (=

  6. How did these Revolutions start?
