Monday, May 23, 2011

Declaration of Man and of the Citizen

Hello again,
Uproar has continued on in France. We have created a new flag that has the colors red, white and blue. The king is getting weaker as the days pass by. In preparation for the fall of the king on August 26, 1789 the Declaration of Man and of the Citizens was created. This document is a magnificent piece of work that provides the long suppressed people of France with justice. I was right there when the deputies were creating it. I was asked to contribute because they knew of my vast knowledge in philosophy so I told them the ideas of the great Montesquieu and Rousseau. We needed separation of power so no one in government could ever have too much power. We also needed to use the social contract or majority rule. Lastly I told them more than anything this declaration should support all people’s right. Like the Declaration of Rights in the United States. After the declaration was written a couple of days later Jean Paul-Marat the author of “The Friend of the People” printed an article saying that the king had a party where he threw our flag on the ground and stomped on it. On the 5th of October the news reached a crowd of women near city hall who were protesting the shortage of bread. The women became so outraged with the king’s offensive behavior that they burst in to Versailles with pikes and guns calling for the queen’s blood. In the end they were not able to hurt the queen because she hid in her husband’s chamber. However the women did force the king to sign the Declaration of Man and of the Citizens. Also they made him move to Paris so he could be close to his people and they could keep a close eye on him. I remember looking out of by room the day King Louis arrived in Paris. His carriage was crowded by chanting women holding pikes with the heads of guards on top.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, its cool that the women stood up against the government as they did. It shows how not only then, but now we are we willing to stand up. I did the Tunisian Revolution and women are protesting along with men! Strong (=
    -Luisa Michelle Martinez
